Use GoodSearch exactly as you would any other search engine. Just type Restavec Freedom Alliance, or follow the button below, and every time you search $.01 is donated to our organization. You can also add GoodSearch to your toolbar to make it even easier!

GoodSearch now also offers GoodShop, an online mall including iTunes, Macyís, and Travelocity which donates a portion of each sale to Restavec Freedom Alliance.. Just sign up the way you would for goodsearch (enter “Restavec Freedom Alliance” into the bar that asks who you goodsearch for) and everytime you click the link from to your favorite online store, a percentage of your purchase will be donated to our organization.

Ebay Giving Works
Using Ebay Giving Works Restavec Freedom Alliance can benefit from all your e-bay shopping and selling. When selling on e-bay you can choose to donate a portion of your proceeds, or you can send Restavec Freedom Alliance items that we can sell on e-bay. To sell items for Restavec Freedom Alliance, just select Restavec Freedom Alliance in the Pictures & Data section under “Donate Portion of Sale” and a symbol will appear on your item that indicates your support for our organization.

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